
Nerd Blog!

A cartoon image of a kid with a magnifying glass going over a credit report.

If you ever need expert assistance or guidance on your credit journey, don't hesitate to reach out to the Nerds! Additionally, stay updated with the latest tips and information by following us on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok! Understanding Derogatory Marks on Your Credit Report Derogatory marks, also known as derogatory credit items, are negative entries on your …

Understanding Credit Score Ranges: What You Need to Know Credit scores typically fall within a range of 300 to 850, but variations can extend from as low as 250 to as high as 900. The specific range depends on the scoring model used to evaluate your credit. Many people aren't aware that they possess multiple …

A cartoon image of a man surrounded by credit cards.

Should you notice an abrupt decline in your credit score without any apparent reason, it could be attributed to the presence of unwarranted credit inquiries. However, take solace in the fact that credit bureaus sometimes offer the option to remove these unauthorized inquiries from your credit report. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deeply …

A cartoon image of a man holding a pencil looking over his report. "What is a good credit score?" he wonders.

An impressive credit score is often defined as having a FICO® rating above 670. When you're considering a credit card, car loan, or mortgage, lenders heavily rely on this three-digit assessment to gauge your financial credibility, making it a significant factor in their decision to extend you financial opportunities. Understanding how this rating is calculated …

A cartoon image of a couple fighting. The man has his arms crossed while the woman is holdinga computer. They are surrounded by clipboards and paper.

The journey of divorce is undeniably challenging, as it brings forth emotional turbulence that can profoundly affect various aspects of life, encompassing living arrangements, finances, and even the welfare of children for those who are parents. Amidst this turmoil, you may be contemplating how divorce influences your credit. While divorce itself does not directly impact …

A cartoon man with glasses looking frustrated. He is holding a clipboard in one hand and a pencil in the other. He is pointing with the pencil at his credit report. He wonders "Why did I got declined?"

Receiving a decline notice can be frustrating and confusing, especially when you were confident in your application. In this article, we'll delve into the common reasons behind credit card, loan, or job application denials, helping you unravel the mystery of 'Why Did I Get Declined?' Common Reasons for Credit Denial Understanding why someone with a …

An image of a cartoon style man wearing glasses. He is wondering how he should adjust his budget for student loan payments.

The end of the coronavirus student loan payment pause has left many borrowers feeling stressed about resuming their payments. According to a recent survey, nearly 90% of student loan borrowers are anxious about this transition. With an average monthly payment of $203, finding extra cash flow in your budget can be a challenge. In this …

A cartoon image of a man wearing glasses. He is concerned about the how breaking a lease will affect his credit

How breaking a lease affects your credit is a common concern, but it doesn't directly impact your credit score. Typically, landlords don't report lease terminations to major credit bureaus like TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax. However, credit-related consequences can arise based on your financial behavior during and after breaking a lease. The critical factor is fulfilling …

A cartoon image of a man wearing glasses.

Keeping a good financial record means reducing negative stuff on your credit report. These things lower your credit score and can stay there a long time. Knowing how long they stay can be tricky. Usually, bad stuff can be on your report for 7 years, but not always. Sometimes, bankruptcies last 10 years, and hard …