The cover of The Official CreditNerds DIY Repair Kit. A man wearing glasses and a cape stands in front of several tall building. In one hand he holds a credit card and a calculator in the other.



At CreditNerds®, our goal is to do all we can to make sure our customers have every possible chance to have great credit. That's why we put together this AWESOME DIY Kit for FREE!
And we mean for REAL FREE. Just click below to download.
All we would ask in return is that if you enjoy the kit, share it with a friend or family member to spread the love!

What's in the kit?

Step One
Understanding how to read your report so you know WHAT items to work on.
Step Two
Preparing your disputes. We have included dozens of sample letters to use.
Step Three
We give you ALL the tools you will need to get on the road to better credit today!
The kit is FULL of valuable bonuses you can use to leverage your creditors.

Credit Repair Services You Can Actually Rely On

Too many companies make tons of promises but can't deliver when it really matters. They guarantee the world but won't even answer the phone. With CreditNerds®, you get top notch support from a team of REAL people who want to see you succeed.

A cartoon image of a lady who provides credit repair services holding a lightbulb.

Keep more money in your own pocket!

At CreditNerds®, we believe in your financial success as much as you do. That's why we've revolutionized the credit repair industry by offering a payment structure that's truly customer-centric. With us, you only pay when we succeed in removing negative items from your credit report. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we're committed to delivering tangible results.

A cartoon image of a lady who provides credit repair services holding money.

Your Future Looks Bright…

Are you ready to take the first step towards financial freedom and business success? Schedule a free consultation with CreditNerds® today! Our experts at CreditNerds® will assess your unique situation, discuss your goals, and provide you with a clear roadmap to financial prosperity. Don't wait; your brighter financial future starts here with CreditNerds®.

Credit Repair & Funding

Why Choose CreditNerds®?

Why Choose CreditNerds®?

We get it... you have a thousand options when it comes to credit repair and business funding services... why choose us?

  • Results-Driven Approach: We don't just promise results; we deliver them. Our team of experienced CreditNerds® employs proven strategies to remove inaccuracies and improve your credit score.
  • Transparent and Fair Pricing: You'll never have to worry about hidden fees or upfront costs with CreditNerds®. We believe in complete transparency, and you'll only pay for successful item deletions.
  • Personalized Credit Repair Service: Your financial situation is unique, and so is our approach at CreditNerds®. We tailor our solutions to your specific needs, ensuring a customized path to success.

Tired of all those bill collectors calling?!

We understand how relentless and stressful those collection calls can be. At CreditNerds®, we've got your back. Our team of expert credit repair service providers specialize in negotiating with creditors and collection agencies and we'll work tirelessly to put an end to those harassing calls and help you regain control of your financial peace. Say goodbye to the constant interruptions and hello to a peaceful future. Let CreditNerds® take the burden off your shoulders, so you can focus on what truly matters in life.

A cartoon image of a person who provides credit repair services holding a phone.

It's our job...

At CreditNerds®, we are not just your average credit repair services team; we are your dedicated allies in the fight for financial freedom. Our seasoned experts specialize in tackling a wide range of credit challenges, from erroneous late payments to stubborn collections and everything in between. With a proven track record of success, a commitment to transparency, and a passion for helping our clients, we're your trusted partner on the path to credit recovery. We've got the experience, the knowledge, and the determination to turn your credit profile around and pave the way for a brighter financial future. When you choose CreditNerds®, you're choosing a team that's genuinely invested in your success.

A cartoon image of three business style characters who provide credit repair services..

And... We have a blog!

A cheerful parent wearing glasses sits at a desk with an open laptop, surrounded by symbols of investments like piggy banks, charts, and stacks of coins. The background is colorful and vibrant, with blue and green hues, illustrating the blog post titled '5 investing tips for parents' in a semi-realistic cartoony style.

Whether you're welcoming your first child or already have kids at home, it's never too late to start investing. Being strategic about your investments can help you grow your wealth and reach your financial goals faster. Chances are you're looking to invest for both yourself and your child. In that spirit, here are five simple …

A semi-realistic image of a person negotiating confidently in an office setting. The person is wearing glasses and holding a document while speaking. The background includes office elements like a desk, a laptop, paperwork, and a window with a view of a cityscape, with detailed features and shading.

Negotiating with creditors can be a powerful strategy to improve your financial situation. By negotiating better terms, you can reduce your debt, lower interest rates, and set up manageable payment plans. Understanding how to negotiate with creditors for better terms is essential for anyone looking to take control of their financial health. This guide will …

A person wearing glasses, looking worried, sits at a desk with financial documents scattered around, including a prominent bankruptcy notice. The background shows a home office with dim lighting, creating a somber mood. Icons representing long-term financial impact, such as a broken piggy bank, a declining bar graph, and clock symbols, surround the character. The image illustrates the serious and reflective theme of the long-term effects of bankruptcy on credit.

Bankruptcy can provide much-needed relief for those drowning in debt, but it comes with significant long-term consequences for your credit score. Understanding the long-term effects of bankruptcy on your credit is crucial for anyone considering this option. In this blog post, we will analyze how bankruptcy impacts your credit over time and provide actionable steps …

A young professional wearing glasses stands in front of an office building, holding a resume in one hand and a credit score report in the other, looking thoughtful. Icons representing employment opportunities, such as briefcases, graphs, and checkmarks, surround the character. The background features a modern office environment with other professionals walking by, conveying an informative and slightly serious atmosphere, illustrating the impact of credit scores on employment opportunities.

In today's competitive job market, your credit score can play a surprising role in your employment opportunities. While it's well known that credit scores affect your ability to get loans and credit cards, fewer people realize that some employers also use credit reports in their hiring process. Understanding the connection between credit scores and employment …

A realistic cartoon-style illustration for a blog post titled 'The Impact of Credit Inquiries on Your Score.' The central character is an African American person with dark skin, curly hair, and glasses, wearing a green shirt and jeans. They are carefully examining a credit report with a magnifying glass. In the background, a large credit score gauge with a fluctuating needle is prominent, surrounded by icons representing different types of credit inquiries: a house, a car, and a credit card. The scene is enriched with abstract patterns in blue and green, adding vibrancy. The character's expression shows a thoughtful mix of curiosity and concern, emphasizing the importance of understanding credit inquiries.

Credit inquiries play a significant role in your financial health. They occur whenever a request is made to review your credit report, and they can influence your credit score in various ways. Understanding the impact of credit inquiries on your score is essential for effective credit management. In this guide, we'll explore the differences between …

A vibrant, realistic illustration celebrating Juneteenth and financial equality. The central character is an African American person with dark skin, curly hair, and glasses, wearing a blue shirt and black pants. They stand confidently with a bright smile. The background is adorned with colorful abstract patterns in shades of green, yellow, and red, incorporating subtle symbols of financial equality like a balance scale and a piggy bank. The overall atmosphere is hopeful and empowering, reflecting the themes of freedom, progress, and financial empowerment associated with Juneteenth.

Juneteenth: A Reflection on Financial Liberation and Equality As we commemorate Juneteenth, the day marking the emancipation of the last enslaved African Americans in the United States on June 19, 1865, it’s crucial to explore its significance beyond its historical context. While Juneteenth is a celebration of freedom and resilience, it’s also an opportunity to …

A semi-realistic cartoon of a character with glasses, standing next to a car and looking puzzled. The character holds a car key in one hand and a document labeled 'Return Policy' in the other. In the background, a car dealership building with a prominent 'Returns' sign is visible. The image has warm, inviting tones, perfect for illustrating the topic 'Can You Return a Car You Just Bought?'

Buying a car is an exhilarating experience, but sometimes, the excitement quickly fades. You might find yourself questioning your decision and wondering, can you return a car you just bought? Generally, the answer is no, but there are specific situations where returning a car might be possible. Understanding these scenarios and knowing your options can …

A semi-realistic cartoony style image of a person wearing glasses, looking worried while holding a credit card statement with increasingly larger numbers. Surrounding the character are symbolic snowballs growing in size, representing the accumulating interest on the credit card balance. The background shows a simple living room setting with a couch, coffee table, and plants, adding a relatable context. Bright and engaging colors make the image visually appealing.

Credit cards provide a convenient way to manage expenses, whether you're covering daily purchases, emergencies, or significant expenditures. However, understanding how interest charges accumulate is crucial, especially when you don’t pay off your entire balance each month. In this post, we’ll explore how interest on credit card balances works and why carrying a balance can …

A semi-realistic cartoony style image of a person wearing glasses, looking at a calendar with important dates circled. The character is holding a document labeled 'Grace Period' and seems thoughtful, indicating they are considering the time allowed for payment. The background includes subtle office elements like a desk, computer, and bookshelf, with bright and engaging colors making the image visually appealing.

A grace period allows you to avoid interest or fees on borrowed money for a specified time. Grace periods differ by lender and loan type, but understanding them can save you money. Here’s what you need to know about periods. How Does a Grace Period Work? Lenders often provide grace periods, although they are not …

Whatcha waitin' for?

Procrastination won't make those negative items magically disappear from your credit report. Instead of waiting for a miracle, empower yourself with the knowledge that you can make a change. At CreditNerds®, we're here to help you every step of the way, but the first and most crucial step begins with you. Take charge of your financial future by reaching out to us today. Let's work together to transform your credit and open doors to new opportunities. Don't wait any longer; your journey to better credit starts now.